What are the opening hours?

Monday to Friday 10am - 3am

Saturday 10am - 4am

Sunday 10am - 12am

When is the kitchen open?

Monday to Friday 5pm - 12am

Saturday 1pm - 12am

Sunday 1pm - 9pm

Outside of these hours we welcome you to bring/order food from outside the venue or enjoy some of our packaged bar snacks

Do you cater for Vegetarians/Vegans?


How can I play a live show at Kelly’s?

Email our mates from The Music and Booze Co, who looks after all of our live music bookings - bookings@themusicandboozeco.com.au 

Is Kelly’s accessible?

Our ground floor is wheelchair accessible with accessible bathroom, unfortunately Bootleggers Band Room (Level One) is not currently accessible, but we are working on this.

How do I apply for a job?

Email us with your resume and brief cover letter - hello@kellysnewtown.com.au

Can under 18’s come into Kelly’s?

Our minors policy is as follows;

Minors are welcome in the venue in the entry and landing areas on the ground floor and band room.

Minors are NOT permitted in the smoking areas, pool table or bar areas at any time.

In the case of an event such at live music or comedy or any event marked as 18+ minors will not be permitted under any circumstances.

Minors MUST be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times while in the venue.